It’s a well-known fact that breast milk is a superhero elixir, capable of providing babies with all the nutrients and immune-boosting powers they need to thrive. But what happens when your milk supply dwindles, and your little one’s superhero serum is in short supply? Being a new mom can be overwhelming when your baby is crying, and your milk supply is decreasing. It’s totally understandable that you feel this way but do not worry. We are here to help if you are experiencing breast milk drying-up symptoms. The decrease in milk production, known as “breast milk drying up,” can be frustrating and concerning since it can negatively impact breastfeeding capacity. In this blog, we will discuss “breast milk drying up symptoms”. So put on your cape, and let’s dive into the topic.
Breast Milk Drying Up Symptoms
Breast milk drying up, lactation insufficiency, or hypogalactia can present various symptoms. Here are three common breast milk drying-up symptoms:
- Reduced milk production indicates dry breast milk. You may notice that your baby gets less milk during breastfeeding or expressing milk.
- Engorgement can also contribute to breast milk drying up symptoms. Lactation decreases, resulting in a buildup of milk during feedings.
- The return of your menstrual cycle may accompany a decrease in milk production and result in drying up.
Why is my milk drying up after 3 months?

After three months, breast milk production starts to decline due to a variety of causes. Here are a few typical reasons:
- Changes in hormones: Prolactin and oxytocin are two hormones that encourage lactation. As your baby grows and gets more adept at feeding, milk production declines.
- Less breastfeeding or pumping: If you don’t breastfeed or pump enough, you can make less milk. Altering your baby’s daily schedule could possibly be the problem.
- Exhaustion: Hormonal levels are impacted by exhaustion and stress. The production of milk might be impacted by stress, anxiety, or sleep deprivation.
- Medication: Medication may have an impact on milk production. Antihistamines, decongestants, and contraception can all affect the milk supply.
- Health problems: Disorders like hypothyroidism might produce less milk.
What if my milk is drying up? How do I get it back?
If you are experiencing a decrease in milk supply and breast milk drying up symptoms, there are several steps you may take in order to boost your milk production:
- To increase milk production, you should increase breastfeeding or pumping frequency. Try to do it eight to twelve times per day, particularly at night.
- Monitor your child’s latching and feeding to ensure effective nursing.
- You must stay hydrated and well-fed. This will help provide your body with the materials and energy it needs to produce milk.
- Reduce your stress and get enough sleep because both impair milk production.
- Consider lactation supplements like fenugreek, blessed thistle, and fennel. They might boost the milk supply.
- Speak with a lactation specialist or medical professional to determine the root cause of your poor milk supply. Create a plan to boost it.
Why is there a sudden decrease in milk supply at 2 months?
Several signs of low milk supply at 2 months include:
- Growth spurts: Around 2 months of age, babies go through a growth spurt, which can cause them to breastfeed more frequently and demand more milk. This increased demand for milk may signal your body to produce more milk, but it may also cause a temporary drop in milk supply until your body catches up with the increased demand.
- Illness: Illness, such as mastitis, can cause a sudden decrease in milk supply. Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that can cause breast milk drying up symptoms pain, swelling, and inflammation. It can also cause a decrease in milk production.
- Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as your menstrual cycle or return to work, can cause a sudden decrease in milk supply. These changes can affect hormone levels that regulate milk production.
- Medications: Certain medications can have an impact on milk production. Some medications like hormonal birth control, decongestants, or antihistamines may interfere with the milk supply.
Breast milk drying up can be a concerning and frustrating experience for many mothers. While there can be a variety of breast milk drying up symptoms, identifying those symptoms is important in addressing the issue. It is crucial to seek support from a healthcare professional or a lactation consultant to understand the underlying cause and develop a personalized treatment plan. With the appropriate treatment and support, many mothers can increase their milk supply and continue providing their babies with breast milk’s valuable benefits. Remember, breastfeeding is a journey, and challenges are normal. With patience, perseverance, and the right support, you can overcome the challenges and continue providing your baby with the best nutrition.